The Bishop's Annual Appeal (BAA) is a diocesan-wide fundraising campaign that invites us to contribute financially to support essential ministries and services that strengthen the faith, education, and outreach efforts within the Diocese. Through this appeal, we're called to open our hearts and share our blessings, ensuring that the Church can continue its mission of evangelization, charitable outreach, education, and pastoral care. By participating in the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, you play a vital role in sustaining the mission of the Church and opening doors of opportunity, hope, and compassion to those in need.
34% Christian Formation and Education
26% Catholic Charities
14% Parish Support and Ministry Services
11% Catholic Communications
8% Seminarians & Vocations
6% Marriage, Family & Respect Life
Click here to donate online
Select "Saint Raphael the Archangel Parish, Raleigh" in the Parish dropdown menu.
Click here to learn about other ways to give
If our parish exceeds its BAA Goal, 40% of the excess funds raised will be rebated directly back to our parish!