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Youth Ministry Volunteer Opportunities
Faith Formation Volunteer Interest Form
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I Want to Be Catholic
Women's Bible Study
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Fellowship Groups
Family Rosary Prayer Group
Mothers in Faith
Men's Group
Senior Social Club
Sisters-in-Christ Book Group
Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharist to the Sick and Homebound
Livestream Team
Art and Environment Team
Funeral Ministry
Liturgical Ministry Interest Form
Music Ministries
English Choir
Bell Choir
Children's Choir
Parish Office
Communications and Creative Team
Pastoral Care & Support
Compassionate Care
Bereavement Support Group
Lily of the Valley Catholic Ministry
Service Ministries
Angel Tree
Boy Scouts Troop 314
Cub Scouts Pack 314
Girl Scouts Troop 4858
Habitat for Humanity Team
Knights of Columbus & Columbiettes
Parish Events Ministry
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Read and Feed
Respect Life Committee
The Caring Ministry
Funeral Liturgy Planning Guide
The maximum number of form submissions has been reached. This form is currently not available.
Please fill out this form as much as possible after you've spoken to a member of our funeral team and are celebrating a Funeral Mass or Liturgy of the Word at Saint Raphael for your loved one.
If you haven't already spoken to a member of our funeral team,
please call our funeral line at
and leave a message. One of our volunteer funeral team members will call you back. Our prayers are with you and your family at this time of loss.
Your Name
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Your Phone Number
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Please enter a phone number.
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Cell Phone
Home Phone
Business Phone
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Your Email
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Your address
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Current Legal Name of the Deceased
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Your relationship to the deceased
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Legal Birth Name of the Deceased, if different from above
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Deceased Date of Birth
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Please enter a date.
Deceased Date of Death
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Please enter a date.
Deceased Address
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Surviving spouse's full name, if applicable
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Liturgies and Services Planned (Check all that apply)
Wake service at the Funeral Home
Funeral Mass at Saint Raphael with casket
Funeral Mass at Saint Raphael with ashes
Liturgy of the Word at Saint Raphael
Liturgy of the Word at another location (please specify location below)
Graveside Burial
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Location of Liturgy of the Word Service
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Remains of the Deceased
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Deceased will be
Inurned in the Columbarium at Saint Raphael right after the funeral
Buried at a local cemetery right after the funeral
Inurned in another location right after the funeral
Buried or inurned on a later date
Please fill out this field.
For Inurnment at Saint Raphael: Wall and niche if known
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Inurnment location, if not at Saint Raphael
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Estimated expected number of attendees at the funeral or service
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Funeral Home
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Funeral Home Contact Person's Name
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Funeral Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
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Please enter a phone number.
Would you like us to offer condolences for the loss of your loved one in our e-newsletter?
Please fill out this field.
Would you like us to share the date and time of the funeral on our parish website?
Please fill out this field.
Is the deceased Catholic?
Please fill out this field.
What parish is the deceased a member at? (Please give the parish name and city and state)
Please fill out this field.
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You can have up to three flower arrangements. However, no flowers are required.
Person Delivering Optional Remarks of Remembrance
This is not required, leave blank if no one is speaking.
Please enter valid data.
People Presenting the Gifts
Please enter valid data.
Reading Selections
Click here to see reading selections.
First Reading
(Select One)
2 Maccabees 12:43-46
Wisdom 3:1-9
Wisdom 4:7-15
Isaiah 25:6a, 7-9
Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
Not yet decided
The priest can choose the reading
I would like to talk to someone about an alternate option
Please fill out this field.
Reader for First Reading
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Second Reading
(Select One)
Romans 6:34, 8-9
Romans 8:14-23
1 Corinthians 15:51-57
2 Corinthians 4:14-5:1
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Not yet decided
The priest can choose the reading
I would like to talk to someone about an alternate option
Please fill out this field.
Reader for Second Reading
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Reader for the Universal Prayer (Prayers of the Faithful)
Please enter valid data.
Music Selections
Click here to listen to samples of the music selections
The pianist bench fee of $250.00 is to be paid by cash or check made out to the pianist on the day of the funeral.
Song for the Entrance into the Church
(Select One)
Amazing Grace
Be Not Afraid (Dufford)
Christ, Be Our Light (Farrell)
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Here I Am, Lord (Schutte)
How Great Thou Art
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
Lift High the Cross
On Eagles Wings (Joncas)
What Wondrous Love Is This
Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones
Not yet decided
I would like to talk to someone about an alternate option
The musician can choose the song
Please fill out this field.
Song for preparation of the gifts/offertory (only if celebrating a full Mass)
All Will Be Well
At the Name of Jesus
Be Still and Know That I Am God
Christ, Be Our Light
Covenant Hymn (Cooney/Daigle)
Hail Mary: Gentle Woman
Lead, Kindly Light
Make Me a Channel of Your Peace
There is a Balm in Gilead
These Alone Are Enough
Not yet decided
I would like to talk to someone about an alternate option
The musician can choose the song
Responsorial Psalm
(Select One)
Ps 23: The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
Ps 25: To you, O Lord, I lift my soul
Ps 27: The Lord is my light and my salvation
Ps. 63: My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God
Ps 103: The Lord is kind and merciful
Ps 122: Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord
Not yet decided
I would like to talk to someone about an alternate option
The musician can choose the song
Please fill out this field.
Song for Holy Communion (only if celebrating a full Mass)
Be Not Afraid
Come to the Water
Here I Am, Lord
Holy is Your Name (Magnificat)
I am the Bread of Life
In Every Age (Whitaker)
The Lord is My Light (Walker)
Many and Great
On Eagles Wings
One Bread, One Body
Shepherd Me, O God
Ubi Caritas (Hurd)
Not yet decided
I would like to talk to someone about an alternate option
The musician can choose the song
Song for the Recessional
(Select One)
Litany of the Saints (Chant, "Pray for her/him")
Amazing Grace
Day is Done
For All the Saints
Hail Holy Queen (Salve Regina)
Holy God We Praise Thy Name
How Can I Keep From Singing
How Great Thou Art
Lead Me, Lord (Becker)
Lift Every Voice and Sing
Lord of All Hopefulness
Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
Sing With All the Saints in Glory
These Alone Are Enough
Not yet decided
I would like to talk to someone about an alternate option
The musician can choose the song
Please fill out this field.
This section will be completed by the Saint Raphael funeral volunteers after form is submitted
Viewing information at the funeral home
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Funeral Date and Time
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