Click here to request a Mass intention.
Only available dates will be shown.
Click here to see approved Mass intentions.
Mass intention requests are accepted for available weekday and weekend Masses and are made available on a rolling three (3) month calendar. Please follow these guidelines when requesting intentions: limit intentions to six (6) per requestor/household per year, limit intentions to six (6) for the same person per year (regardless of requestor), and requests should not be consecutive with respect to day and time.
To request a Mass in someone's name, click on the button to go to our Mass intentions software. Click on the "Request" button and fill out the form to submit your request. Please do not only enter phrases like "Mom" or "His family" in the "Requested by" field. These phrases can be added in addition to your first and last name.
You may pay your requested stipend of $10 by clicking on the link in the approval notification email you receive or drop it off or mail it to the parish office within 10 days of receiving the email.
Mass intentions will not be accepted over the phone.